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Archiv: April 2013

Reviews | 30. 04. 2013 | Comments Off

Futuro Cube is a brave digital enterprise on field of social and logical gaming. In reality, its part toy, part puzzle.

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Reviews | 30. 04. 2013 | Comments Off

Futuro Cube lights up tap and turn game challenge fun…

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Games, Video | 30. 04. 2013 | Comments Off

Try to beat the cube. This is a classic five in a row on the cubic surface. The special rule is that diagonals of opposite sides are connected. Remember, you have to confirm every move you make. If you miss the right spot, move the cursor away and try it again.

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Multi Gomoku

Games | 29. 04. 2013 | Comments Off

Five in a row for two players with two cubes. It has the same rules as Gomoku.

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Road Runner

Games, Video | 28. 04. 2013 | Comments Off

Keep the Road Runner on the top side. The faster you follow, the faster he moves. If you are not fast enough, he waits for you, but you lose your speed and distance. Try to go as far as possible. You start him by tapping anywhere.

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Games | 27. 04. 2013 | Comments Off

Welcome to our musical challenge. Expect lots of practice and try to be precise by hitting the center of sides! You have always 6 tones available for each rotation of the cube, therefore just playing the full scale can be very difficult. Once you master a complicated piece, share it on internet!

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Games | 26. 04. 2013 | Comments Off

Tetris on a cube. Tap on a side to rotate the piece; tap from the top to place the piece. If you fill a side, that side disappears, if you create a ring around the cube, the ring disappears. If you do it with same color, bonus! Remember, that the pieces will always appear on the same side, and you have to pick them up by rotating to the top. You can’t fill that side, but it’s wise to start placing as far as possible from that position.

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Multi Cubris

Games | 25. 04. 2013 | Comments Off

Have you mastered CUBRIS for one player? Then here is the right challenge for you and one of your friends. Connect your cubes, and you will receive the same set of pieces to place. Time is running and you must survive, otherwise your score is not counted! If you finish faster, you gain some points for your opponents laziness… However, what if he placed the pieces slower but smarter?

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Gravity Puzzle

Games, Video | 24. 04. 2013 | Comments Off

The Gravity puzzle is a lovely rotation puzzle. If you like Rubik’s cube, try this. You need to get each color on its own side. All transfers are made by side tap and top tap.

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Ring Dream

Games | 23. 04. 2013 | Jeden komentář »

This is a very delicate and motion sensitive game for long-romantic evenings. No, actually this is a very easy rotation puzzle that everybody can solve. Just select the ring by rotating the cube and then by tapping, twist the ring. The ring will rotate one spot for each tap. Once every side has same color, you are done!

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Duis ipsum diam, blandit ut egestas ac, consectetur ut neque. Donec sollicitudin arcu eu dolor imperdiet suscipit. In nunc lorem, tempor a commodo quis, semper in purus. Pellentesque ut lorem at lacus euismod volutpat. Suspendisse nulla enim, gravida euismod tempor ac, pellentesque vitae dui. Maecenas libero felis, volutpat et dapibus ac, dictum sed turpis. Suspendisse et urna ut mi sagittis bibendum ut at sapien. Maecenas sed lacus molestie mi dapibus cursus quis id metus. Pellentesque bibendum pretium facilisis. Aenean quis quam risus.

Donec viverra cursus commodo. In ut orci orci, sit amet condimentum quam. In vel dolor nec orci porta vestibulum tristique nec ligula. Donec placerat interdum mi, vel molestie nulla mollis at. In facilisis quam non dolor dapibus pulvinar. Vivamus non volutpat neque. Praesent eleifend, lacus a lobortis interdum, magna est sagittis augue, sit amet ornare dui massa eu metus. Vestibulum eros leo, condimentum eu dapibus eu, porta id ipsum. In aliquam turpis in eros interdum id blandit dolor ultrices. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Maecenas vestibulum, arcu in convallis consequat, ante eros congue tellus, et luctus nisl velit a augue. Proin condimentum volutpat ullamcorper. Vivamus posuere urna non odio vestibulum auctor. Aenean nibh tellus, faucibus nec accumsan in, condimentum a est. Suspendisse id ipsum in dui sagittis tristique in in eros.

  • Maecenas vestibulum, arcu in convallis consequat,
  • ante eros congue tellus, et luctus nisl velit a augue,
  • proin condimentum volutpat ullamcorper,
  • vivamus posuere urna non odio vestibulum auctor.

Fusce viverra nulla pharetra lorem porttitor a dapibus tellus euismod. Maecenas sed justo orci. Morbi vel dui felis, eget accumsan neque. Ut ultrices metus eget nulla sodales fermentum. Nullam feugiat feugiat mi, a auctor nibh varius et. Phasellus sollicitudin auctor massa nec vehicula. Phasellus eu risus tellus. Vivamus pellentesque pulvinar nulla in hendrerit. Curabitur felis est, viverra auctor ultricies vitae, volutpat vitae urna. In volutpat fringilla tempor. Vivamus vehicula malesuada metus, et dapibus orci ornare eu. Vivamus tempor dolor et augue aliquam sed adipiscing libero hendrerit. Nunc sodales lacus id sem suscipit interdum. Curabitur diam neque, consectetur vel viverra sed, auctor sed felis. Fusce turpis est, sollicitudin vel vulputate id, rhoncus id enim. Vestibulum aliquam odio sit amet quam adipiscing scelerisque.


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