

Cubris v1.0

Tetris on a cube. Tap on a side to rotate the piece; tap from the top to place the piece. If you fill a side, that side disappears, if you create a ring around the cube, the ring disappears. If you do it with same color, bonus! Remember, that the pieces will always appear on the same side, and you have to pick them up by rotating to the top. You can’t fill that side, but it’s wise to start placing as far as possible from that position.

Scoring rules:

  • Placing single Cubris piece slow - plus (1 * level * size of the piece) points

  • Placing single Cubris piece fast (indicated by red flash) - plus (2 * level * size of the piece) points

  • Filling side with different colors - plus (9 * level) points

  • Filling belt with different colors - plus (12 * level) points

  • Filling side with same color - plus (2 * 9 * level) points, "skip_to_next_level" counter incremented

  • Filling belt with same color - plus (2 * 12 * level) points

  • Level advancing:

  • Level 1 - filling 1 side with same color

  • Level 2 - filling 2 sides with same color (does not have to be at the same time)

  • Level 3 - filling 3 sides with same color (does not have to be at the same time)

  • etc up to level 10...

  • Page:6/7
    PlayerRankScoreScore date
    CubeLife401.94, 4:25, Level: 1 2015/12
    Anantha402.92, 3:50, Level: 1 2016/4
    cam403.90, 6:35, Level: 1 2016/7
    PSC01DC10187_0404.88, 5:34, Level: 1 2020/1
    futuromuel405.87, 5:19, Level: 1 2016/8
    Witec406.87, 3:16, Level: 1 2020/6
    vincent407.84, 5:00, Level: 1 2019/12
    Pso408.80, 3:53, Level: 1 2016/9
    EpicGaming409.77, 2:53, Level: 1 2016/12
    Peky410.77, 3:35, Level: 1 2019/6
    PSC01DC06717_0411.76, 4:20, Level: 1 2021/11
    Adel412.75, 2:50, Level: 1 2017/12
    Stepa413.73, 3:18, Level: 1 2021/8
    Darius N414.68, 3:44, Level: 2 2021/1
    Slavo Faix415.67, 3:39, Level: 1 2016/1
    guest416.67, 2:19, Level: 1 2020/10
    Adisol417.66, 3:55, Level: 1 2019/1
    Vojta418.64, 4:29, Level: 1 2018/12
    FILIPKO419.62, 3:25, Level: 1 2016/9
    Brouczech420.62, 5:12, Level: 1 2020/12
    OXxTheCuberxXO421.61, 4:04, Level: 1 2016/1
    PSC01DC10840_0422.57, 5:40, Level: 1 2018/2
    chrigel423.55, 4:08, Level: 1 2015/12
    PSC01DC09554_0424.55, 5:37, Level: 1 2019/12
    tomikdc425.52, 4:26, Level: 1 2016/11
    Davis Cube426.47, 4:05, Level: 1 2017/1
    Artur427.47, 4:10, Level: 1 2021/1
    Patrik428.46, 2:09, Level: 1 2018/12
    BBeast007429.43, 1:53, Level: 1 2018/1
    Danecek3430.43, 0:00, Level: 0 2018/12
    Danecek3431.43, 0:00, Level: 0 2019/12
    Cecilie2432.42, 0:00, Level: 0 2019/12
    Cecilie2Ahoj433.42, 0:00, Level: 0 2020/9
    Adela434.41, 0:00, Level: 0 2020/3
    Lup435.41, 0:00, Level: 0 2020/9
    PSC01DC08515_0436.41, 2:58, Level: 1 2022/11
    Adela0437.40, 0:00, Level: 0 2018/11
    Adela0438.40, 0:00, Level: 0 2018/12
    PSC01DC06070_0439.39, 3:24, Level: 1 2016/10
    time-space-soul440.39, 1:53, Level: 1 2019/7
    PSC01DC09370_0441.36, 4:12, Level: 1 2018/5
    Adam Machacek442.35, 3:07, Level: 1 2018/12
    Daniel443.34, 2:32, Level: 1 2019/10
    PSC01DC09420_0444.33, 3:39, Level: 1 2018/12
    Karsoft445.31, 3:09, Level: 1 2016/1
    FlyingFireFury446.31, 2:06, Level: 1 2016/5
    Mario447.31, 2:37, Level: 1 2018/7
    Louda448.31, 3:27, Level: 1 2018/12
    Esploris Team449.31, 3:58, Level: 1 2019/1
    cowsrule1450.30, 2:38, Level: 1 2016/1
    sevcikjar451.30, 3:16, Level: 1 2018/12
    ZuzkaCvrcek452.29, 1:37, Level: 1 2019/3
    Elkam453.29, 1:38, Level: 1 2019/7
    Domca454.28, 3:47, Level: 1 2015/12
    7455.28, 2:04, Level: 1 2016/6
    Baru456.28, 2:47, Level: 1 2019/12
    0__o.o__0457.28, 2:48, Level: 1 2021/4
    JanisB458.28, 2:26, Level: 1 2022/12
    PSC01DC10170_0459.27, 3:51, Level: 1 2020/1
    PSC01DC08648_0460.26, 3:24, Level: 1 2018/12
    Honzik461.26, 2:12, Level: 1 2019/12
    PSC01DC10029_0462.26, 1:32, Level: 1 2020/12
    VINTA463.26, 3:49, Level: 1 2020/12
    Michael464.24, 2:21, Level: 1 2017/1
    jsss epic465.24, 3:00, Level: 1 2017/1
    db466.24, 4:03, Level: 1 2017/11
    JLM467.24, 3:04, Level: 1 2017/12
    Folley468.23, 2:13, Level: 1 2019/1
    Friv469.23, 1:08, Level: 1 2020/8
    Bramburek108470.22, 2:08, Level: 1 2015/12
    -471.22, 2:18, Level: 1 2016/11
    MarvinRules472.22, 2:09, Level: 1 2019/4
    Gh05tly473.22, 2:37, Level: 1 2019/7
    PSC01ZC06400_0474.22, 2:46, Level: 1 2022/1
    Kaspar3010475.21, 2:36, Level: 1 2018/3
    PSC01DC10531_0476.21, 1:40, Level: 1 2019/12
    Silent477.21, 4:30, Level: 1 2019/12
    NeskoMesko478.20, 2:53, Level: 1 2016/10
    Dominik479.20, 2:06, Level: 1 2020/10
    PSC01DC09073_0480.20, 1:40, Level: 1 2020/10